Whenever there is a problem of Air borne contamination you’re sure to find Clas Air Ionisation Systems.
More & more leading establishments are installing clas Air Ionisation systems.
Many working establishments including all kinds of Industries are now switching over to an effective, low cost air cleaning system Clas Air Ionisers are being effectively used to fight dust, fumes, air borne microbial contaminants and unpleasant odours.
Class Air Ionisation modules have proved particularly effective for the following pollution problems.

Clas Air offers a range of Individual Modules, an Ionizer Network and Negative Ion Blower.
All units have an imported acrylic / PVC casing reinforced plastic with gold plated emitters and an input voltage of 230 V 50 Hz AC.
The power rating varies between 3W to 25W depending on the size of models.
Ionizer Network
Designed for large production areas where pollution is high. This system has a centralized circuitry with distributed emission points and is custom designed to specific requirements.
Negative Ion Blower
Specially applicable in the Electronic Industry where faster Ionisation is required. The unit is a 30/60/90 emitter Ionizer with a built in fan & filters.
Whatever the area to be Ionised and extent of pollution there is a Clas Air Model or system to suit your requirements.
Inexpensive – Easy to install – Easy to operate safe - Low Power Consumption – No Maintenance.
Technology that helps you breathes Easy.